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On July 19, 1917, Bishop Schuler broke ground for a new chapel between Ysleta and El Paso named St. Anthony Chapel.  The history of San Antonio originated with the Daughters of Charity from Hotel Dieu Hospital who traveled with two laywomen every Sunday from El Paso to Smith’s Dairy in the Mission Valley to offer religious instruction to the children of the dairy workers.  There was no building for the purpose so they held classes under shade trees.  Later, an alfalfa shed was built on the dairy farm and used as a classroom.  Soon 140 children were receiving religious instruction.  The Daughters of Charity and several prominent Catholic women asked Bishop Schuler to build a chapel near the dairy on North Loop Road.   


Bishop Schuler approved the request and asked the Catholic Church Extension Society for help.  In March 1918, the Society provided a $500 contribution and the owners of the dairy donated land for the chapel.  On the morning of the groundbreaking, Mrs. Morgan died unexpectedly at Hotel Dieu.  After her death, her husband, building contractor Joseph E. Morgan, provided the plans for the new chapel and laid the cement foundation.  Bishop Schuler blessed a cornerstone placed in honor of Mrs. Morgan. On Christmas Day 1917 and chose the name St. Anthony, which Mrs. Morgan had wanted in honor of the bishop’s patron saint.



In 1944, the chapel was rebuilt and on February 4, 1968, Bishop Metzger created the parish of San Antonio.  For more than 24 years, the parishioners planned for a larger church.  On June 24, 1998, Bishop Ochoa dedicated the present church and the community remodeled the old chapel into a parish hall.  Today, the Catholic community of San Antonio de Padua is nurtured by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Welcoming all, the parishioners journey forward as one in proclaiming the Reign of God through charity, justice and peace.  The parish promotes several ministries including Eucharistic Ministers, Liturgy, Matachines, Knights of Columbus, English and Spanish Bible Study, Talleres de Oración, a Food Pantry, and ACTS. 

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