Monday -January 15
4:30pm Eucharist Formation
6pm Centennial Meeting
Wednesday- January 17
4:30pm Eucharist Formation
6:30pm Bible Study Spanish / Guadalupe
Bible Study English / San Antonio
T.A.C.O. / Mary and Martha
Parish Finance / Fatima
Calendar for the Week
Tuesday -January 16
4:30pm Eucharist Formation
6:30pm Youth & Young Adults / Fatima
Saturday -January 20
9am Eucharist Formation
4pm 5:30 Choir / Choir Room
Friday -January 19
9am Exposition
Sunday -January 21
9:45am Adult RCIA & Confirmation
Confirmation -2nd year
Eucharist Formation
1:15pm Confirmation -1st year
1:30pm Choir / Main Chapel
Sunday -January 14
9:45am Adult RCIA & Confirmation
Confirmation -2nd year
Eucharist Session
1:15pm Confirmation -1st year
1:30pm 12pm Choir / Main Chapel
Thursday -January 18
Monday -January 22
4:30 Eucharist Formation Sessions
Tuesday -January 23
4:30 Eucharist Formation Sessions
6:30pm Youth & Young Adults / San Martin
7pm No Bible Study -English
Wednesday- January 24
4:30pm Eucharist Formation
5pm Cenical Studies / Mary & Martha
7pm 8:30 am Choir / Choir Room
No Bible Study -Spanish
T.A.C.O. / Mary & Martha
Bible Study
English Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Joe Gonzalez
Spanish Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Victor Perez
San Antonio de Padua believes that continued formation is an important part of our faith journey. Our parish has several ways in which you can continue your journey.
ESPERE -Escuela de Perdon y Reconciliacion /School of Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Forgiving is not forgetting...its remembering with new eyes. To do justice is not to punish....its recovering from those who have offended us. Join us as we explore the true meaning of forgiveness and reconciliaiton. Sessions in Spanish and English are being offered.
English Monday 6:00 p.m. Guadalupe
Spanish Monday 6:00 p.m. Todo Los Santos
Cenacles of the Marian Movement
of Priests
Fr. Waiwood invites you to join him for an evening of spiritual growth, prayer and worship. The purpose of the Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests is to pray for Our Holy Father, Priests, Religious and for Holy Vocations. During this time we make an Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, listen to one of the messages, and pray for the Rosary to the intentions of our Holy Father, all Priests, Religious and those who ask for our prayers. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Wednesdays 4:00 pm
A Sponsor plays an important part of the faith formation of a Confirmation Candidate. The Sponsor is a living witness of our faith to others. As such, the faith formation of a sponsor is equally important. San Antonio de Padua provides an opportunity for the Sponsor to grow in their faith as well assist their candidate.