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Religious Formation

The catechetical program of San Antonio de Padua seeks to provide adults, youth, and children with the knowledge, experiences, and skills necessary to become faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus. In keeping with their age, they will assume responsibility as vital members of the parish and be able to participate in the Church’s mission to proclaim, celebrate, and serve the coming of God’s Kingdom.

The Eucharist is the heart and center of the sacramental life. The Eucharist also has a more universal meaning and significance. It is a reminder to everyone that we are one family under God and that our family solidarity is sustained and deepened by the ordinary things of life, especially through our eating together.  (more info)

Confirmation is that sacrament which confirms the action of God in Baptism and strengthens individuals to become like Christ in the Eucharistic community. Canon Law describes the sacrament of Confirmation as the one by which the baptized person continues the path of Christian initiation.

(more info)

The letters “RCIA” stand for the “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults," the document flowing from Vatican II that guides the process by which adults are initiated into our Roman Catholic community. The RCIA describes a process in which men and women are guided and cared for as they awaken in faith and are gradually introduced to the Catholic way of life. (more info)

Parent participation in the scaramental formation of your child is vital. Parents set the example for their child prepares to become an active member of the Catholic Church. The example of the parent’s prayer life and attitude toward Jesus Christ and His Church is the best teaching sons and daughters will ever have. (more info)


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